Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Oklahoma Live

I have a confession to make. I am a little ashamed to say this, but I went to the State Fair. I have to say I have watched Martha Stewart enough to say that I fantasize about going to the Fair. People gathered from all over the state to celebrate each others craft, livestock, produce, and even eccentricities. But, for some reason when I go to the fair all I see are the machine made stuffed animals. You too can win these commercial goodies if you spend upwards of $100 on a pop the balloon game. Then you get to the fried everything booths.....yuck! Finally, still looking for the City Arts Building I pass the vendors that sell the T-Shirts and car decals that I always wondered where one would buy such a thing. By now I feel like a total elitist and my interest in all things handmade and home grown is slipping away with the smell of the stale beer at 10:00 in the morning. Not to mention as sure as the sun comes up each morning when the Fair moves into Oklahoma, so does the rain and this day the weather did not disappoint.
Nevertheless, I finally found what I was looking for and stayed long enough to forget the adventure getting there. First I checked out the children and hobby artists exhibition in the City Arts Building. It was really wonderful. I was inspired not just by the wonderful art, but the teachers who inspired many of these young artists. I loved the variety of mediums and the simplicity of many of the pieces.

Next, I headed over to find the fiber goods. I was a little disappointed to find them behind glass, but there were some wonderful pieces. My favorite was this little girl set. There were many pieces that reminded me of pieces my grandmother had around her house growing up. I loved it. Then I found some hand dyed yarn....also lovely. I never found any hand spun although I think some of the hand dyed was also hand spun. Finally, I checked out the canned goods. I did not know you could can such a variety of food. All in all a pretty good day to the trip. Unfortunately as I walked out among the "eccentricities" I quickly forgot the beauty of the handmade. Luckily I took pictures.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

19 to Go

I am very excited that I have been asked to lead the Knitting Group, Knit 1 Give 2 (K1,G2) at my church. One of the projects we work on in the fall is a gift for each of the 70+ homebound members at our church. This year, I am trying to make 10 sets of patterned dishcloths/washcloths. These are a favorite among many and a nice little luxury. I have made one and now I have 19 to go to give 10 sets of 2. I will post more about K1,G2 as the weeks go on. Happy Wednesday!

A Spider and a New Sweater

Last night I sat and watched this little lady spin her web and the wonder of how she does it was more amazing than ever. The more I knit the more I am amazed at how things are created. When Mr. C called me to the door to see something.....I almost didn't get up. But, I am so glad I did.....when I rushed down the stairs this morning to see if she was still there, she was gone. Not a trace of her art.
Here is the ribbing to my new sweater. Not as perfect as Mrs. Spider's, but it will do.

Friday, September 5, 2008

February Ladies Sweater

A few weeks ago.....well, maybe months......heck, I can't remember, my Wednesday night SnB group decided to do a sweater.  I had pretty much convinced myself that I would not knit garments that I would actually wear out in public, but when I looked at the pattern I couldn't pass it up.  So, I bought some O-Wool at Keely's Birthday Sale and got started.  (By the way, I LOVE the O-Wool).  I am hooked.  I love knitting it and it is actually looking fairly wearable.  The dove lace pattern is a little messed up in parts, but it still looks pretty good.  I am finishing up the edging today and I will do the sleeves next week.

This sweater holds a lot of memories other than being my first.  It saw me through the Olympics......there is a huge chunk dedicated to Michael Phelps.  It was with me through the DNC, Hurricane Gustav, the nomination of Sarah Palin and a few football games.  Now, I am ready to start the Central Park Hoodie.  That will be on the needles soon

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

New Beginnings

Baby Alpaca's First Milk -- We got to witness this little miracle on our annual trip to Victory Ranch in Mora, NM this past June.

I am here......barely, but here.  I am anxiously anticipating fall.  So many new paths intersecting here with me and my family.  

Today, the older of the "little guys" had his first swimming lesson.  It was so precious.  He was so excited.....his biggest accomplishment you might ask?....splashing his teacher, Mr. Hong.  Eventually, I will have to break his little heart and tell him that they don't promote you for splashing.  

I had a full day working on some possible grants and making new contacts for my little business.  It is so exciting, but a little overwhelming.  When I woke up this morning, I questioned if I would have enough time and energy to pull through.  I am thrilled to say, "I did it."  

Lately, I have had some discord among some family members who seem to think I am crazy to think that I can have it all, work and serve my community while still raising my children one dirty diaper at a time.  I am here to say, I can do it and I am doing.....oh yeah, I will continue to do it.  

One more first.....between the Olympics and the Political Conventions I am about to finish my FIRST sweater.  So exciting!