Thursday, March 26, 2009

Have No Fear!

"Speak your truths boldly on journaled surfaces others can see, and the truth will set you all free. Journal a Lazy Susan with your frustrations about running in circles and getting nowhere. Let your napkin holder extol the joys of getting food all over your face. Your flower pots can announce what wishes grow inside. This type of journaling will spark conversation, laughter and closer relationships." -- Journal Revolution, Linda Woods and Karen Dinino

I used to journal and I take it back up here and there. I never get very far but I often think of this blog as my Journal. It is not as private as the words I write in a carefully selected book, but it is a Journal none the less. I often hit a wall when trying to get a post started. I love to have a picture or illustration at the top of each entry. I read this quote this morning and it made me think about getting out of my comfort zone and using illustrations or photographs of something less glamorous than what I have done in the past and us this as insight into my mind.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

A Great Deal on A Good Book

I almost bought this book at Barnes and Noble for the listed $40.00 and then I found it on Amazon for $26.00. I think it is a Birthday Must Have! I love Annie Leibovitz.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Spring is in Bloom

It is a beautiful day here in OKC and I am enjoying a quiet lunch listening to the birds out back. I am thrilled that it is really spring.  This is the time of the year that I feel most inspired.  I love the newness of everything.  I am getting ready to go to Dallas to do some fabric shopping and I have an unending queue of knitting projects.  I am also inspired by my bloglist of friends and family.....I realized today that it went from three to 19.  You all are awesome!  Thanks for your words of inspiration.  

Time to get my head out of the clouds and get some housework done.  


Thursday, March 19, 2009

The Madness Begins

I am two for two in my NCAA Bracket! I, don't get to is usually about this time that things go south, but it is fun for now. Thank you LSU and Texas A&M. I am a little nervous about my Arizona and American picks. I just have a feeling.

I am soooooooo behind on my blogging, knitting, etc. Spring Break has been hard on these endeavors. Look on the bright side, I made it to the OKC Zoo not once, but twice. I had a record number of people at Church Knitting last night!!! 26, I can hardly believe it. I guess knitters don't go on Spring Break. Then, we had a very successful SWAP at SNB. I didn't win, but Jenny did and she is getting married on Friday, so Congratulations on both accounts.

The big guy just woke up.....I don't think he ever really even napped. So, I must go, but here are a couple of pics from our week. Back to my ART next week.
The ticket line at the OKC Zoo on St. Patrick's Day....Really?
Thank goodness the boys were amazed by the bats. We were stuck in this spot for at least 15 minutes due to the massive crowds. Note: they have not turned the air on in the barn yet.
Some of my knitting buddies.
A crocheted throw in progress. Beautiful.
Sweet Virginia is always teaching.
Items in the SWAP
Basket up for the drawing.
And the winner is!!!!!!!JENNY

I am now three for three......THANK YOU Memphis!

Friday, March 6, 2009


This is a gift I knit for a friend's little girl's first birthday. I love how it turned out. I am not sure if I like the hat or the packaging more.

A Litte Craft.......BEER

A good friend opened a local microbrewery here in OKC. The ribbon cutting was this past Tuesday. So, what can a girl do but get childcare and go drink a beer at two in the afternoon. This is a project that was worth celebrating. JD Merryweather has been working on this for three years now. They have developed everything from the business plan, the recipes, the art, and even an environmental sustainability plan.

I have become very happy in the niche I have found in Oklahoma City. It is full of creative, politically aware people who are dedicated to making this part of the world a place of innovation that is uniquely Oklahoman. JD does this with passion and COOP Ale Works is a product of this dedication.

Check out some pictures of the Ribbon Cutting and a Tour from my night at the Brewery (tour pics taken with my iphone, forgive the quality).

There is also a great article on