Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Such a Joiner

I have always been a joiner. I love to meet with other people and chat, knit, create, whatever. I come by it naturally. Here is and article about my paternal grandmother....Patsy Brown is my "Grandma Brown". FYI...she still calls this "study club" and when I ask what she studies she tells me they talk about raising their children. Now that is a committed mother. We should take notes.

Chi Beta marks 60 years with celebration

By Kasey Fowler, Staff Writer
Enid News and Eagle

Chi Beta, a former child study club, met Monday afternoon to honor charter members of the now social club at its 60th anniversary celebration.

Three of the nine charter members of Chi Beta, Peggy Scheffe, Pasty Brown and Dottie Shockly, came to the meeting and discussed the early days of the club. Chi Beta started in September 1949.

“I was in one in Sand Springs, Oklahoma,” Scheffe said. “When I moved here we decided to organize one here. It started as a child study group to learn about how to raise children.”

Chi Beta always had 30 members. The only requirement to be considered for membership was a woman had to be pregnant or have a baby.

“My rabbit died, so they let me join,” Brown said.

She explained in that day when a woman was thought to be pregnant, the doctor injected a rabbit with fluid from the woman. If the rabbit died, the woman was pregnant.

When the club was first formed they met twice a month at a member’s home.

“We met two times a month. We had babies, and we were happy to get away,” Brown said.

“And, our husbands learned to baby-sit,” Shockly added.

The Chi Betas also did volunteer work.

“All the Chi Betas worked on the telethon for the Vision and Hearing Clinic. We do Meals on Wheels,” Brown said. “We took a lot of toys and clothes to the YWCA. We always had a project.”

Chi Beta now is a social club that meets in the afternoon once a month.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

My Boy Makes Me Proud

This week I asked my oldest what he wanted to get his Papa John for his birthday. He threw out a few ideas, a trampoline, a pet (you are welcome Grandma...I nixed that idea), a new cat cage....I don't know why. Finally, he suggested a telescope for him and Papa to use. I asked where we might find one of those and this is what he said.

"Well, we can go to the junk yard and find a big, big, big metal tube. Then we can collect some glass and take it to be recycled. We can use the glass to make a telescope glass and then we can give it to Papa."

I thought this was so creative and I love that he wants to reuse and recycle. Precious.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Summer Knitting Project Complete

I began some special hats for some special boys.....twins born May 18th. Their mom is a great knitter so I decided to do a little more complicated pattern. Well, lets just say these were the two most difficult baby hats I have ever made. I must have frogged them a dozen times. I like to make baby items after the baby(s) is(are) born so I can think about and pray for the little one. Last night I was thinking, I guess these little guys needed some extra prayers since they were born a little early. There mom got a few prayers as well! :) I will post pictures of the hats once I give them away.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Natural Rhythm

I was recently talking with my aunt....b@#ching is more accurate. She made a comment that really added some perspective to the situation. She said, “you know, this season too will pass.” It was made in reference to my feelings of a strained relationship with a family member, but it also made me think about the time that I have right now with my children and as a stay at home mom. I have spent so much time sulking around this house this summer. It is time to get up and get going. Do something I love! Enjoy my children.

I have decided to go back to the natural rhythm that I discovered while on maternity leave with both of my children. I had my list of things I had to do: eat, feed baby, change baby, bathe, sleep. That was pretty much it. I just resigned myself to do this in whatever order felt natural and run over the list every evening to make sure all had been accomplished. Life was so simple yet also difficult, but I found as I listened to my body and did what felt like was what needed to be done at that moment, everything was completed. My list is longer now and includes things like laundry, picking up bedrooms, walking the dog, preparing meals, definitely a work out, and even blogging. I am going to revisit this pan and try to find a more natural rhythm and one that leaves time and energy for the things I want to do, reading, writing, and knitting. This season too will pass and I want to enjoy every moment along the way....well, maybe not every moment, but most of them.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Cousin Fun

Three years ago, August 30 2006, my precious nephews were born. I don't think my sister has slowed down sense. They were 8 weeks early and teeny tiny. Now.....
They are little balls of energy. We celebrated their birthday at Chuck E Cheese. The had a good time but Jesse thought that there were, "too many people." He was a little nervous.

The actual day of their birthday we enjoyed a beautiful day at the zoo and a cookout at their house. Then, on Tuesday we got to hang out with Finley while her mom and dad went out for Michelle's birthday dinner. We all had a really great time. Especially Fin. We are so blessed.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

It's A Date!

A couple of friends and I, recognizing that we are all home alone a lot in the evenings, decided to start our own Art Club. I am so blessed to have so many talented friends that are willing to share their gifts with a major armature like myself. We decided to pick a medium and then work on it for a month or so and then pick something different.

Watercolor was up first. I have had some watercolor's that I had no idea what to do with. That is where Marcy came in. She was awesome. I selected a picture that I took in New Mexico of the bird that kept me company when mom died. Here are the results. What do you think?

I am pleased with it, but most of all I am thankful for the loving, talented friends that I have that are into the same things I am. This is therapy for all of us and I know that friendships will grow with every stroke of the brush.

As for the rest of my life, things are getting more and more back to normal. The boys are back in school and loving it. I have started working out again and I continue to write and blog. There are never enough hours in the day, but Life is Good.