Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Go Vote

Today is Election Day.  It almost feels like Christmas to me.  I love that so many people are thinking about the future of our children.  These are issues that plague my mind everyday.  It is a little discouraging, to me, that Oklahoma has been left off the list of swing states.....here is my crazy optimism speaking......but, I want to give a little credit to the people who live in the heart of Oklahoma who are working hard for a change that will impact the lives of my children and grandchildren.  I live just north of downtown OKC....my neighborhood is littered with campaign signs.  The good news is.....this year it is mixed Red and Blue.  

So, inspired by Birdie, I am planning to sit in a couple of coffee shops and live blog the thoughts and discussions taking place.  My hope is that some of my out of state readers will see that Oklahoma is in this election too.  Enjoy!

1 comment:

AngelVoice said...

Here, Here!!! I agree with you 100%! I love election time. I look forward to seeing what conversations you might hear in the great state of OK! I was in line bright and early in Kansas this morning, so there weren't too many whispers going on. But I am confident that God has a plan for us. HE is still in control!